Review: Etude House Mal:gem Toner

My first review on a beauty product that I’ve been using for some time now. You might be thinking….”WHAT?! Two of these bottles +  year?” Well yeah…since they are both 250ml and they are pretty standard size bottles but that’s not the only reason…you see my aunt (who I asked to buy from Malaysia) said that Etude House in Malaysia was having a 1+1 deal on certain beauty items at Etude House in Malaysia and I asked her if they still had this. She said yes and I thought that we could get one and another version of this as the +1.

Side note: Originally I wanted the smoother and fresh one (pink and green ver) but unfortunately they didn’t have the fresh version in stock so instead my aunt bought me the deep moist one.

Anyways…so I was like “ok…I’ll get the pink and the dark blue one” and my thinking at the time was that I’ll only get just one smoother and one deep moist.

Turns out….when she came to New Zealand and gave them to me there were four bottles of mal:gem for me. That’s when the 1+1 clicked into my brain. I felt bad for my aunt who had to lug four 250ml toners for me….in the end I probably had two years supply of toner.

That was the back story of this toner so lets get to the review now!!

Left: Smoother ver, Right: Deep Moist ver

So as you can see, the one that’s a lot more watery than the other is the smoother one (left) while the other translucent one with a more thicker consistency is the deep moist one (right). Both have scents to them but pleasant to the nose.


Left: Smoother ver, Right: Deep Moist

So the smoother one helps exfoliates keeping your skin smooth and clear and the deep moist one keeps moisture in the skin to help with dryness.

They both have a slight scent to them, a clean yet pleasant scent so if you don’t mind that then I would recommend this. It’s a great product to start off with if you are getting into skincare.

For the smoother one, it’s a little hard to dispense it on your hand so I put it in a spray bottle and use it like a mist on my face so it doesn’t let me waste any of the toner. Leant this from Wengie, the youtuber hehe~

The deep moist one dispenses easily since the formula of the product a lot much thicker so it doesn’t run all over your hands when you are dispensing it from the bottle.

So what I do is, after dispensing it from the bottle I gently pat it onto my face after I shower/ washing my face. This is because my skin gets a little dry and then (after I shower at night) I use the deep moist as well to to give back moisture onto my face.

Everybody’s skin is different so it may not suit some people but if you are wondering I have normal skin that is sometimes dry so I didn’t have any problems using them but always try it out on your wrist and if there aren’t any problems then try a bit on your face and if that’s ok then continue to use it. Why I recommend this is because if you use toners or anything without testing it, it might make your skin worse and cause it to sting. This happened to me with an aloe lotion from Tony Moly which stung my face so I quickly discontinued using it. It may not happen to all of us but it’s better to be safe!!!

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To be honest with you using this didn’t really make a drastic change to the overall appearance of my skin but the deep moist one did put back moisture in my skin during the Winter months but other than that my skin still looked the same haha.

Would I use this again?…Maybe not cause I want to try other brands of toners and also I’m kind of sick and tried of using this. I would recommend however if you are just starting out with toners and for the aesthetics haha. I’m surely getting to finishing all four bottles so I’m on the hunt for some new toners! Recommend some brands that I should check out!

I’m sorry this isn’t an in depth review but I promise I’ll try with the other products!!

Sophie~ ♥



5 thoughts on “Review: Etude House Mal:gem Toner

  1. I love etude house but I find their skincare can be a hit or miss. Love your review 🙂 I agree the packaging is enough for me to purchase 🙂
    x Helen

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