I’m From Honey Glow Cream Review 🐝 πŸ’› πŸ―

Everyone has heard of its infamous Honey Mask but the Honey Glow Cream from I’m From is a product worth talking about as well, complementing its mask counterpart and giving a natural glow to your skin! πŸ’›

Today I have the I’m From Honey Glow Cream to introduce to you today and with the colder weather here, I am loving this product and the glow it gives to my skin. 

*I was given this product from Wishtrend in exchange for my thoughts and opinions on them. All opinions and thoughts are genuinely my own and this review may include some promo codes and affiliate links which clicking on them would help generate a small commission to help support my blog at not extra cost to you. 😊

I’m From Honey Glow Cream

I’m not going to introduce the brand since I already did back in my last I’m From review which you can check out here~

Something that I haven’t discussed is the Honey line itself and a bit on the process that goes behind making these products.

Honey Line

There are currently 3 different products in this line including the infamous Honey Mask, Honey Serum and Honey Glow Cream.


The main ingredient in this cream with literally the word HONEY in its name haha. In a small town of the Southern part of South Korea, lies Jiri Mountain. This non-polluted area houses the best honey that is then collected and incorporated into these little jars of goodness.

Jiri Mountain faces 4 distinct seasons throughout the year, meaning that over 1,000 types of flowers are able to fully thrive within their seasons.

And what does this mean for the bees? Well, these wild bees are ecstatic and are able to collect nectar all year round to produce honey. Thank you for your hard work little bees~ πŸ’›πŸ. With good climate, sufficient sunlight and rainfall, it’s no wonder the honey here is pure and unprocessed 🍯.Β 


With all this honey being produced, how does it get into these I’m From products? It takes time and care for the honey to mature and be at its optimum stage before it gets anywhere near becoming into products.

These bees are busily producing honey between Spring, Summer and Autumn, where it is then naturally dried by the bee’s wings, reducing it into a more richer consistency before sealing it in their hives.Β 

When the time comes beekeepers open up the hives, selecting ones with the enriched honey ready to be collected. They then use the smoke from burning mugwort to gently remove the bees from the hives. Removing the seal that the bees have made, the honey is extracted before filtering it and lastly incorporated into I’m From products.

Honey Glow Cream

This product comes in a paper box packaging with the front of the packaging imprinted with a honeycomb pattern. On the left side of the box shows where it’s from and how it contains 30.63% Honey Glow Cream. The right and back show the ingredients list and the directions of use, both in Korean and English. Lastly on the inside there is some information on what is the β€˜Honey Glow Cream’ and a little slogan saying β€˜nature as it is, it’s I’m From’.Β 

The cream comes in a hexagon glass jar with a black screw lid. It’s super cool as it also represents the honeycomb pattern and is not your traditional circular or square shape.Β Β Β 

This cream contains a special formula created by I’m From called β€˜Honey Glow Queen’. This is present in both the cream and the serum, making up 30.63% of the formula and giving a nice glow.Β 

What’s in this formula you might ask? There are 7 main and natural ingredients which are:Β 

  • Honey (Jiri Mountain): Soothing and moisturising properties while softly removing dead skin cells.Β 
  • Black bee propolis: This valuable ingredient from Black bees is antibacterial and helps aid the skin in healing.
  • Turmeric: helps get rid of impurities and tightens the skinΒ 
  • Bee Pollen: rich in vitamins and is also high in antioxidants, helping reduce the oxidation of the skinΒ 
  • Bee Venom: the main component Melittin, helps with improving the skin’s blood circulation and the production of collagen and elastin for firmness.Β Β Β 
  • Cinnamon: rich in vitamins B and C, it protects the skin with its anti-fungal and anti-bacterial propertiesΒ 
  • Royal Jelly: also rich in vitamins B, C and also E, this ingredient only reserved for the queen bee, hydrates and protects the skin and helps prevent aging.

How its used

I usually use it as the last step at the end of my skincare routine during the day and then proceed with sunscreen and makeup. It gives a nice glow to my makeup whenever I use the Honey Glow Cream.There is the perfect amount of moisture and oil that helps achieve that nice glow on my skin without making my face become all greasy or create breakouts which I really enjoy.

At night or when my skin is really in need of something extra, I would add in a few drops of Rosehip oil, mix it up and apply it on my skin. It gives me a really nice glow when I put on makeup and at night, helps prevent my skin from drying out from the heater.Β 

Thoughts after using it

Apart from loving the cute hexagon glass jar that it came in, the cream itself was a little thicker than your normal moisturiser which for the colder months is ideal. I was a little hesitant if it would react negatively on my skin because it usually does to products containing. However, there was no problem after testing it and after using it for a week, I fell in love with it πŸ’›. Because it can give a glowy look to your skin, people with oily skin may suit this product as it might make them greasy. I generally have drier skin so this gave me the perfect amount of moisture and soft glow.Β 

Where to buy it

You can purchase this cream from the Wishtrend website along with the other products from this line.

There is a promotion happening where you can receive a free sample of the I’m From Fig Scrub Mask. Simply purchase a jar of the Honey Glow Cream or any of the jarred creams and use the code JARCREAM and its automatically added into your cart.

Hope you enjoy this review of the I’m From Honey Glow Cream and give it a try and see the glow yourself~ ✨

Sophie xoxo


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