By Wishtrend Green Tea & Enzyme Powder Wash 🍵🌿

Coming back with a new review today~ and it’s the Green Tea & Enzyme Powder from Wishtrend’s very own in-house brand By Wishtrend.

If you’re not familiar with powder cleansers, I hope I can be helpful and provide some info on them but if you already are and curious to try this brand out, I also hope I can be helpful to you too!

Powder washes are just another cleanser on the market, just like the name suggests…it’s just in a powder form. You can describe it like the texture of baking soda and when you add a bit of water it forms into a paste and just looks like a normal cleanser, foaming just enough to help cleanse the face.

They have actually been on the market for quite some time, in Japan and South Korea actually, and now plenty of brands such as Origins and Tatcha are making their own formulations too.

It wasn’t until my mum bought the Biore Baking Soda Powder Cleanser a few years ago that I found out powder cleansers existed and I was very surprised by the concept of it. Fast forward a few years to today, I was curious as to how the Green Tea & Enzyme Powder would be like compared to what I knew from a few years back. 

About the brand

By Wishtrend was created based on the feedback from Wishtrend customers who couldn’t find a product on the market to deal with their skin concerns, mostly related to acne. As feedback became more common, they decided to create their own brand of products to help with these concerns and continuing to be ever so popular as a result of that.

About the product

Now onto the product itself…the Green Tea & Enzyme Powder Wash is a gentle exfoliating cleanser that helps clean pores and make the skin look brighter and softer afterwards. It contains Green Tea extract, Sodium Bicarbonate, Amino Acid Surfactants and Papain which help improve the skin’s texture and create a healthy complexion. 

Green Tea

Known for its antioxidant properties and rich in vitamins A, C and E, it helps with reducing skin inflammation, redness and anti-aging. This makes it the perfect ingredient to add into a powder wash, to help calm the skin down after exfoliation. More known for its drinking benefits, Green Tea is also used in a range of skincare products that help heal the skin as well. Bonus! If you care about the aesthetics, it gives a pretty pastel green hue to the powder and doesn’t just look like baking soda haha.

Amino Acid Surfactant

This helps retain the moisture lost on your face after using the cleanser so your face doesn’t feel to tight and dry afterwards.

Sodium Bicarbonate 

Or its other name baking soda, works as a gentle exfoliant that helps soften sebum and debris on the skin. It also clears up pores and absorbs excess oil, suitable for people who have oily skin types. 


Found in Papaya, Papain helps gently exfoliate the build up of dead skin cells and can be found in many other exfoliating cleansers on the market. 

It’s unique powder formulation means that it doesn’t contain any water or liquids at all, so active ingredients only work once you add water. Also, these last longer compared to liquid cleansers and are a lot more hygienic as less water means less chance for bacteria and mould to grow. 

How its used

Just pour a decent cent sized amount onto your palm, add a bit of water and mix it with your hands together to form bubbles before gently rubbing it in circular motion and lastly rinsing it off with lukewarm water and patting it dry.   

Green Tea & Enzyme in its powder form
When added with a bit of water
When you rub it between your hands

Because it is in powder form, it is a great cleanser to travel with as you wouldn’t need to worry about liquid restrictions or have an issue with your cleanser leaking out onto your belongings. However, I would recommend putting it in a resealable bag just in case the lid does open somehow and would only leak inside the bag.   

Wishtrend also suggests adding the powder to your shampoo once a week as a deep cleanser for your scalp which was interesting and made me curious to try out as well.


First impression is that after using it the first time, my face felt really clean and smooth which was really nice. Definitely something I didn’t experience with other powder washes in the past.

I did feel my skin getting a little tight which was to be expected. This is because of Sodium Bicarbonate, which helps to shrink pores as well as absorbs any excess oil from the face. Because my skin type is not oily, it did cause a little dryness. However, if your skin type is oily, this should be just fine for you and no dryness would occur.

I enjoy how it exfoliates my skin without being too harsh afterwards as most exfoliating cleansers have done that in the past. So I would recommend it to anyone who has sensitive skin to test it out first. What I do is mix a bit of the Green Tea & Enzyme Powder Wash with my everyday cleanser and deeply cleanse my face. It’s a good way to slowly introduce this into your skincare routine and if your skin adapts well then you can try using it on its own.

As a deep cleanser for my hair, I didn’t feel a significant difference occur after using it. Our scalp is technically an extension of our face so in theory, it makes sense to deeply cleanse that area as well. Since I only did it once or two times I wasn’t sure what to look out for and can’t make an opinion on it.

If you asked me to use it on my face or hair…I would suggest using it for the face more than a deep cleanser for hair. However, if you’ve bought the product and you reacted badly to it as a face cleanser, using it for your hair instead would be a good way to use it up and not let it go to waste!

Hope this review today helps you know if this powder cleanser from ByWishtrend is something you wanna try out!

You can purchase this from Wishtrend and also check out reviews from people who have similar skin types to yours to help you too. Don’t forget to use “JULY10” for a 10% discount of your overall purchase at the checkout!

There are many out there on the market but I haven’t found one like this that suits my sensitive skin. Anyways, if you’ve made it this far to the review thank you 💛, hope you enjoy this review and see you in the next one~

Sophie 💛

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